
u/k steam trains
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Author:  ron h [ Fri May 07, 2010 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  u/k steam trains

Hi, These are loco,s that I used to see when I was a lad of 13, I used to go around the country to climb all over these engines, now some 58 years later they are still running on small preserved line by enthusiasts.

1. A loco of the Royal Scot Class, 4-6-2 these were built around 1937

2. A Britania Class loco, 4-6-2 built just before the end of steam in the U/K 1949-50

3. This is TORNADO the last steam engine built in the U/K, She is an A P PEPPERCORN Class loco, built 2005-9 at the cost of £3,000,000-00 or $4,500,000-00.

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Author:  Cadman [ Fri May 07, 2010 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: u/k steam trains

Hi Ron,

Can you identify the Trains you posted. Most of us North American Railfans know very little about railroading in the UK.

Author:  ron h [ Sat May 08, 2010 4:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: u/k steam trains

To understand the railroads in the U/K you need to know the company,s.

LMS London Midland & Scottish Region.

LNER London North Eastern Region

Southern Region

Great Western Region

LMS, ran from London up though the Middle of the country to Scotland.

LNER, ran from London up the coast to the North East. ( Newcastle, Middlesbough )

Southern Region, ran from London across the bottom of the country ,( Plymouth, Dover,)

Great Western, ran at the very bottom of the country , ( Devern, Cornwall )

All these regions had there own type,s of loco .

Author:  ron h [ Sat May 08, 2010 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: u/k steam trains

In the early 50,s all company,s were Privatised by the goverment and called British Railways, the diesel loco began to appear, this was the death nail of steam.

Loco were sold off for scrap and cut up, 1000,s of trains.

Enthusiasts from all over the country started to buy a few train in each region, so we still have some LMS , LNER, SOUTHERN, and Great Western.

1, This is an 80,000 tank engine , built in the 1950, she is in British Rail livery.

2. An Ivatte tank engine, built in the 1930, she,s in LMS livery.

3. This is an A4 , built about 1938, she is in British Rail livery, Union of South Africa, x LNER.

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Author:  ron h [ Sun May 09, 2010 4:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: u/k steam trains


1, 2-6-0 Stanier with coal tender, built in the 1950, in British Rail livery.

2, A large tank engine, built in 1930,

3, An A4 , built in 1938, in British Rail livery, Sir Nigel Greasly, was one of the fastest loco,s, the plate on the side of the engine records her doing an average 100 mph from Scotland to London, some 450 miles.

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Author:  ron h [ Mon May 10, 2010 4:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: u/k steam trains

Hi, more loco,s

1, A Britania Class 4-6-2 built around the 1950.

2 An 8F class 2-8-0, these were the work horses of LMS & British Rail.

3, A Jubilee Class loco 2-6-0, built around 1937.

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Author:  ron h [ Mon May 10, 2010 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: u/k steam trains

Hi, More photo,s, 3 photo,s of the same engine in different locations, she is a Ivette tender loco built around 1930,s.

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Author:  ron h [ Wed May 12, 2010 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: u/k steam trains

Hi, More trains,

1, 5690 Jubilee Class, Leander in LMS livery, built 1937

2, 6000 King George V , Great Western in British Rail livery, built 1930

3, 6229 Duchess of Hamilton, LMS, in British Rail livery , built around 1936

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Author:  Cadman [ Wed May 12, 2010 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: u/k steam trains

amazing how many fine looking steam engines you have in such a relatively small country.

Author:  ron h [ Thu May 13, 2010 3:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: u/k steam trains

We do not seem to save our ships, but loco,s, theres loads of societies around the country,

On the front of the last loco Duchess of Hamilton there is an appeal placarded, just love these loco,s.

1, Great Western 2-6-2 tank engine in British Rail livery, most GWR loco,s have a brass dome in the middle of the boiler.

2, LMS tank engine 2-6-2 in BR livery, built 1927, BR added the 4 at the front of the number.

3, A Britania Class loco Oliver Cromwell 4-6-2 in BR LIVERY built in 1950.

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