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Author:  Cadman [ Fri Sep 26, 2014 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  AZL GP38-2 BNSF

American Z Line added 4 new BNSF GP38-2's to their popular little Geep line. I already had 3 BN versions but had to add a new Burlington Northern Santa Fe engine to my roster. I opted for road number 2032 in the new "Swoosh" paint scheme.

File comment: AZL photo
AZL_GP38_62503_BNSF.jpg [ 31.61 KiB | Viewed 27494 times ]

I was very happy with it until I decided to add detailing and compared the loco with the real 2032. Oops, problem, BNSF 2032 is a GP35 rebuilt into a GP38-2 and doesn't really match in details. The other AZL engines #2007, 2013, and #2016 are rebuilt GP40's. All do not match the 38-2 body details.

The rear fan spacing should be further apart and the rear grill should also be longer. It looks like the 2032 now has a 38-2 dynamic brake blister and filter housing, but the cab doesn't have the rear overhang. I was going to scrachbuild it, but decided I could renumber it instead. In researching it, I found that BNSF has repainted 13 "as built" GP38-2's into the Swoosh scheme. They are for reference listed below:

2104 Winter window
2107 Winter window
2260 Low head light
2272 Low head light
2273 Low head light
2279 Low head light, Cab AC, Remote operation
2303 Low head light, Cab AC
2306 Low head light
2318 Low head light, Cab AC, Remote operation

Author:  Cadman [ Fri Apr 03, 2020 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AZL GP38-2 BNSF

AZL is following up with a Heritage I scheme BNSF 2087 (prototype had low hood headlight). Pickings are slim for the standard GP38-2 in the AZL generic as-molded style. Most BNSF units were rebuilt when repainted with a low hood mounted headlight. Not an insurmountable mod, but at least a couple Geep's were painted in that scheme retaining the high headlight. AZL should consider them.

BNSF 2094 (later modified to low headlight).
BNSF 2099 (Silver ATSF style silver trucks, fuel tank and under-frame).

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